Video Clips

Here are a few video clips from artists around the web. Each one has their own insight to offer as well as their own style.


This first clip is from Draw With Jazza YouTube channel. Jazza has many great videos ranging from informative and creative tutorials to chaotic and crazy art challenges.




Next up is a video from Marco Bucci and his YouTube channel. In this clip he covers some great ideas on what role shapes play in creating great works of art.




Cynthia Sheppard is an amazing illustrator and offers insight while creating her many oil painting color studies. She explains approaches to color, composition, reference, using digital software, and she also shares her goals and steps to achieve them. This video covers the start to a project she created using the Alice in Wonderland theme.



Finally, we come to artist, author, director, James Gurney. In this video, James discusses his method to breaking down a subject when painting it. His foundations and fundamentals are outstanding.